What I've heard thus far includes:
- It is used during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage
- It tastes nasty
- It is a collection of herbs
- It varies how much you take based on something...
Anybody else heard anything about it? Good or bad?
Savoring the journey of watching our family grow differently than we expected or planned. We are coming to a greater understanding of how God's vision for our family is far better than ours could have ever been.
I don't think I have ever heard anyone say anything bad about it. Really. I am far from the authority on Welcome Womb but from the people I know, myself included, they have been able to carry full term pregnancies. I only will suggest it to women who have recurrent early losses. That is not to say it doesn't work in other scenarios but I tend to think that later losses most likely have something else going on. Again, not a doctor or herbalist. The herbs in it are Black Haw, False Unicorn Root, and Wild Yam. I will admit that when I first did my reading I was intimidated as I was completely new to the world of herbs but it made a believer out of me! Please feel free to email me if you have any questions. Maria@lifelossandotherthings.com :)