I am not a Type-A personality. My ducks are most certainly usually not in rows, although I very much so wish them to be.....
Okay, nevermind. I looked up the "characteristics of a Type-A personality" and well...
I am a Type-A personality.
So maybe my ducks are in a row, I just want them in a straighter row.
Well, where I was going with this is.
Being a Mom is hard work.
I am usually wondering if I'm doing a good job and raising our child. She's beautiful, talented, funny, sweet, and a direct reflection of myself.
Today I noticed something about my daughter that is painfully close to my own behavior.
She refuses (and I mean out right refuses) to do anything she thinks she isn't good at. (My husband mentioned to me - after I claimed I'm not competitive - that I'm actually very competitive, so much so, that I won't play something unless I'm certain I have a good chance at winning.)
For instance: We recently started homeschooling her (she's 3 - ding ding ding, Type A mother). I'm using 3pre-k curriculum, so don't worry it is age appropriate, and I'm supplementing it with Handwriting Without Tears curriculum for writing. I read through part of the parent's manual that accompanied it, but then we started school so I just started in and haven't finished it yet.
However, one week in I'm realizing that this curriculum is intended for 4 yr old pre-k. Our little one is probably not really ready for this yet, even though she can in fact do it, she is too intimidated by it.
So, I'm giving up the workbooks and worksheets for awhile.
Part of my brain tells me that if I don't make her do it she'll never have to do things she doesn't want to.
The other part tells me that I'm going to make her hate school before she even had a chance to love it.
So, for now, I somehow have to lay down my Type-A and let things be a little less perfect.
I'm still a good mom and she's most certainly a great kid.
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