
Even on the Hard Days


Yesterday my fingers flew across the keyboard in homeschool happiness and bliss.  I chronicled a lifestyle that I have chosen and love and in my evening eyes I was pleased. Today whacked me in the face like a stack of books swung by an angry 8th grader.

Let me be frank. It didn’t start well. I allowed some screen time which led to some not great behavior. I talked too long on the phone with my mom. I made a concession for one child that disrupted another. There was poop on the deck. Water on the floor. Text messages. Instant messages. Budget concerns. Tantrums over school work. A doctors appointment.

In the good moments I went roller blading with my older son. I gave my toddler a bath when he got  out of hand. I shoved my head in my blankets and screamed really loudly. Eventually, the school work did get done, although I forgot about an important lesson. I took a jog/walk. I didn’t eat the crust off the pizza. I ate a vegetable and a fruit. I also ate the popcorn and a handful of m&m’s. I didn’t drink the soda.

Why am I chronicling these details? Because yesterday’s post, while true, was also shrouded in the way I feel on the good days. Homeschooling/home parenting/child rearing is hard stuff. It’s day in and day out. It’s changing the plans. It’s giving someone extra grace. It’s giving yourself extra grace. It’s taking some unintended insults from your kiddos. It’s giving them some unsolicited advice, not always well received.

It’s extra hard. It’s extra worth it. It’s answering the question every day “Why do I work a job that doesn’t pay in money?” And even on this day, this extra hard day the answer is the same, “No amount of money is worth missing out on all that I would miss out on if this wasn’t my job.”



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