
Zemirah Hope

I gave birth to a healthy, beautiful 6 lb 6 oz, 19 1/4 in. girl on Monday, May 21 at 11:27 am.  An absolutely amazing experience, we are doing very well and are home!

Her name - Zemirah - (pronounced Zem-eer-uh) means "Song of Joy" and her middle name - Hope - is a constant reminder of God and the supernatural hope he delivered to us during some of our darkest days. 

We are truly truly blessed.  I will post her birth story and pictures soon!

Thank You!


Almost there...

I just read my last blog post, which talked about 5 weeks left in this pregnancy.  Somehow time got away from me and here I am... less than 1 week left until my estimated due date.  It's doubtful that baby will arrive on the due date - maybe sooner, maybe later - really who knows at this point. 

But WOW!  I really am having a baby in just a few days...  eek..  and that to-do list is still far from completed.