

The stress of this pregnancy really weighs on me.  In some ways I want to stay busy and forget about it, but in others I'm afraid being busy will only bring on more cramps and more bleeding.  So, I sit and I wait - and I go to the bathroom - and I sit and wait some more...

I've had a lot more bleeding today and my mind keeps wondering, will it be tonight? this weekend? or will this just drag out for awhile?  will there be a heartbeat at my appointment on Thursday?  if not, then what? if so, do I just continue like this - waiting?

Yesterday was so perfect, hardly any spotting at all, hardly any cramping and today, wham.  If I didn't know better I'd think I'd gotten my period... again.  It's all so un-spectacular.

People keep making comments about the baby's gender, that maybe this one will be a boy.  I keep telling my husband that if this baby comes out in November - I don't care what it is!  I'll just be happy we got to have it!

I'm sure many of you can relate.  I've never enjoyed a first trimester, they were always stressful atleast until 8 weeks, then I would let my guard down and breathe a little easier.  But this one, wow, I've never felt so shaken and unsure.  There is a whole new meaning and level to leaning on God that I am desperately trying to learn.  And oh, it is so very hard.

I keep reminding myself that whatever the outcome of this situation God is still good.

We will survive, God is good.

Baby or no baby, God is good.

God is good.

God is good.

God is good.

TMI post - you've been warned.

I'm about to divulge more information than the average person would like to know - so if you're not interested in hearing about my "flow" or "discharge" please, divert your eyes.

At about 10 1/2 weeks pregnant, and beginning to see my own small version of a pop I am starting to get excited and relieved about little one joining our family in November.  Yesterday was awesome.  Seriously, My husband has been incredibly supportive the last few weeks, encouraging me to take it easy and picking up all the slack around the house.

I had virtually no spotting or cramping yesterday, it was awesome.  However, by the time I went to bed at 10 pm I was bleeding again.  And this continued most of the night, as I saw every time I was up to use the restroom.

I had horrible dreams all night about miscarriage, c-section, a hysterectomy.  Oy, my brain was really running wild with it.  And today, my family has ventured to Peoria to visit a family member.  I have decided to stay home and really take some R&R and hopefully coax my uterus into being finished bleeding.  1 1/2 weeks until 2nd trimester.  I've been hearing a lot that bleeding is common and if baby is fine, often a sign of no problem whatsoever.  I'm banking on that, but not taking any chances at the moment.


In between the lines

I'm in a very strange place right now.  I live in a constant inner struggle between excitement and panic.  Logic over rules emotion at some moments and at others emotion wins over logic.  I can't wait for the day when logic and emotion are in sync with each other - barring that the emotion and logic are good and not disastrous.  I start to feel joy and happiness and then another memory or story triggers the fear that can cripple a person and tie them to the couch for weeks at a time.

My only solace is know that at the end of this I will have survived, however, knowing how I've survived is still questionable.  Will it be tears of joy, elated at the miracle unfolding before me - or tears of anguish that my heart has been shattered yet again and another precious angel joins his siblings in heaven?

There is truly no way of knowing at this point how this will turn out, and I never ever thought that this far into a pregnancy I would still have so much confusion.  Nearly 10 weeks along, but still bleeding, still cramping.  However, the ultrasound shows a healthy baby, growing perfectly happily bouncing around in there.  And now I know, it really is me.  All these years, and all these miscarriages I've wondered if maybe it was something genetic.  That maybe my two little girls are truly miracles of genetics lining up perfectly because there was something faulty with the connection.  But no, we have a perfect baby growing in there, nothing wrong with the connection.  The bleeding is me, but there is really no explanation, no reason, and possibly no problem.  There is just no way of knowing right now.

I laid down and took a nap with my sweet Z this morning.  She is 11 months old and cutting some teeth, which has induced a snoodly nose.  I listened to her heavy breathing, traced her perfect face and for awhile stared into her beautiful blue eyes.  If you've met my girls you can see that even though they're 4 1/2 years apart they look nearly identical.  And from our ultrasound we can already see that little Tic Tac carries the same profile and face shape of his/her big sisters.

So you see, if I lose this one it will be different from all the others.

It won't be just bleeding; I will see the baby.

I will hold our baby.

I will kiss our baby.

And oh my heart, I don't know if I can take that.

For now, we continue to wait and oh, how I pray this story has a happy ending.  How every moment of every day my hand is over my womb, praying for a safe environment.  How just a few weeks ago I had normal perfect pregnancy discharge and now I'm thankful for the moments when it is just light spotting.  The bleeding comes in the evening and early morning.  The cramping hangs around on and off all day.  Yesterday's bleeding was lighter than the day before, I hope today's follows the same pattern.  And oh, how I pray that two and three weeks from now I'm joyfully updating my facebook cover photo with a cute announcement that baby #3 is on the way!

 It's so hard not to be envious of those who post those pregnancy announcements early on, knowing their world has never been tainted with the difficult feeling of loss.  

** Please if you do read this, I have not made this pregnancy public.  Please do not share this information with anyone or mention it on facebook or in person at church etc.  Thank you very much!!


I'm behind.

I'm behind on my 29 Not So Put Together Truths, and frankly I'm so over them.  I have so much other stuff on my mind right now and already feel like crap so reminding myself of my flaws every day is kind of starting to suck.

So please, just know that no one is as put together as they look and I will be done with my truths.

Coming up with 29 would probably be really easy, but I'm just not into that much self-degradation.

Enjoy the next few weeks!  Knowing me, without this obligation it will be awhile before I'm back on to post again.

We have some very special company spending the weekend with us and my hubby and I will celebrate our 31st (his) and 29th (mine) birthdays on Saturday!

Happy Birthday to us! and all you other April 20th-ers out there (there seem to be a lot of us!)  !!!!



Not so put together Truth #14 AND Put Together Truth #1

Not so put together truth #14 - 

Jealousy.  Oh how it still rears its ugly head.  Sometimes you just want to scream "How do they do it!!!!!"  and then you remind yourself that your job, although much less involved at the moment, is still important.  Most important.  Even though she is doing the most important job AND everything else you ever dreamed of.  Its not the right time, her life is not my life - she does not have my struggles and I do not have hers.  We have different lives.  I don't want hers.  I want mine, mine makes me happy.  Hers might make me very overwhelmed and something would suffer.  We'll be okay, God will bring me to where I am supposed to be in his timing.  

Ever find yourself wishing you might be as awesome as you think someone else is?  Ever see someone else living your imagined dream and have a difficult time with it?  Yes, you probably have, you understand.  

And because I just can't take it anymore - 

Put Together Truth #1 - My 5 year old just read her very first word :)  MOPS, a genius she is!  

How are you feeling oh so put together today?

ah, shoot.  I just read that that should be NSPT truth #13, not #14.  So, I'm NSPT after all :)


#10, #11, #12

These are getting difficult.  And well, kind of embarrassing!   Oh well, looks like we'll have company next week so I'll have to pick up my bootstraps and clean my house.  whew, it will be an adventure for sure but I can't wait to have them!!

#10 - (and here's why I need to clean the house) I don't think I've mopped my kitchen floor since *wince* December.  Late December if that makes it any better?  nope.  it doesn't.

#11 - The other day, in the midst of hustle, bustle, and tired mommy - my daughter stopped, look at me, and said "Mommy, you're not being very loving."  ouch.  That hurts.  I apologized and adjusted my attitude and made sure to show a little more patience and understanding in the future.

#12 - We had to make extra trips to the grocery store this week to pick up essential items I forgot to get the first time.  Extra trips to the grocery store are probably the norm for most people, however, most people live near the grocery store. We don't.  So if we forget something we try to "make do" or have my husband pick it up on his way home from work.  This week, we had to go in.

When this is over I'm going to list 29 ways that I'm awesome.  lol.  probably not, but that would be funny right?


#8 & #9

Not So Put Together Truth #8 -

So you know how two days ago I mentioned we didn't have any clean dishes, and then I said that I washed dishes.  Well, when I loaded the dishwasher I forgot to put in the silverware.  So I had clean plates.... but no utensils.  Seriously.  

Not So Put Together Truth #9 - 

I have a whole chicken in my freezer that I'd love to cut up and cook but I keep forgetting to defrost it!  It takes like two days to defrost it in the fridge and every time I think about cooking it, I remember that it's still frozen :/


Truth #7

Ah, #7 - really, I've been at this for 7 days already?!  It feels like I just started.

Not So Put Together Truth #7:

We ran out of dishes today.  Plates, silverware, the whole gammot.  I had to wash a pan in order to reheat our spaghetti and we ate off of paper plates and used kids forks and kids cups.  No one seemed to mind except myself - and then I did a load of dishes.  And just for good measure I'll throw in that I forgot to brush my teeth before taking my daughter to preschool. (that's like a two for one special!)

See, you're not so crazy.  I don't do dishes either!


Truth #6

Not So Put Together Truth #6:

Today I had a friend and colleague over.  I sent her a text ahead of time to let her know she would be seeing my house "as is" ie really messy, and then I cleaned my house as best I could with the limited time I had.  It was still a mess, but just not as messy...  And that giant pile of laundry?  Definitely hiding behind my bedroom door.  We had to sit somewhere!!

yep.  I did that.

Anyone else told any little white lies to make yourself feel a little bit better?


Truth #5

Lets just be honest here.  It's kind of difficult to come up with 29 ways you're not put together, specfically, 29 things you're willing to tell the world.  Today I told the laundry thing to a friend at church and I think she tried to commiserate, or maybe her house is just bigger than mine, either way - My laundry situation might be a little out of control.  Okay, so ripping away another layer of vulnerability -

Not So Put Together Truth #5:

Trash.  I am really bad about throwing things away.  Not gross things, paper things.  Like a small scrap of paper that my daughter tore off of another small piece of paper.  I'll throw it at the nearest trash can, but it rarely makes it there - leaving me with small pieces of paper on the floor, that my baby usually finds and tries to eat.  And then there are the countless preschool drawings that my 5 yr old refuses to let me throw away, and well, the trash seems to be everywhere.  When I throw everything away, my house looks pretty clean!

How do you conquer the paper problem?


Truth #4

Not So Put Together Truth #4:

You might be wondering, why is it so easy for her to just post these things on the internet for all the world to see?  Well, here's the deal.  I have 8 followers.  8.  I'm pretty sure though that only like 3 of you actually read my blog, and beyond that, I get like 1-2 people trafficking my blog like a week.  So, not really being all that vulnerable.  And so far, I'm living under the glorious illusion that everything I've posted is quite normal.  So, it will get a little bit more difficult for me when I have to start posting things that I don't joke about at MOPS.  Yah, then it will get real.

So for Truth #4 -

There is a giant pile of laundry that lives on my couch.  The clothes switch out, but the pile pretty much never goes away.  Maybe once a month (?)  My husband will fold it all and put it away, but even then, sometimes it gets folded and more laundry gets thrown on top of the folded stuff.  If you come to my house and there is not a giant pile of laundry on my couch, it just means that it's hiding behind my bedroom door :)  It still exists, don't worry.  

You may find through this that I totally despise housework.  But I totally adore my children, so that makes it all okay!

Do you have a giant laundry pile?  Please tell me I'm not alone!!

Truth #3

Not So Put Together Truth #3:

Sometimes I don't keep the commitments I make, or live up to the expectations of the people around me.  I'm pretty sure this happens to everyone.  But case in point, yesterday, Truth #3 just did not appear on my blog!  

Why?  It was grocery day.  Do you have a grocery day?  The day of torture.  The day of disaster.  The day of dread.

That's how I feel about grocery day.

Running to atleast two, sometimes three stores, encountering lots of people, trying to read a list, drive a large cumbersome cart, and find my items all at the same time.  And usually I have two children with me, one screaming, the other wandering... (thankfully not the case yesterday, Granna graciously volunteered to play with the two beauties) but yesterday - the rearranged my entire grocery store.  Suddenly I'm standing where the flour should be and I'm staring at dried cranberries.  I completely walked past the cereal thinking it was snack food.

Anyway, grocery day wears me out.  And I forgot to post.

What's your least favorite household task?


Not So Put Together Truth #2

As promised here is Truth #2.

Not So Put Together Truth #2:

Yesterday I made a delicious lunch, while talking to my mom on the phone.  Maybe that was my problem... maybe I was just so hungry.  Who knows.  Either way, after sautee - ing (because that sounds better than  "frying") two beautiful pieces of tilapia in my non-stick Pampered Chef 10 in skillet.  I ate my delicious tilapia.  Yes, I smelled something burning.  No, I did not really think anything of it.  About 5-10 minutes later, after delicious lunch was fully consumed and sitting peacefully in my belly... I looked over and noticed....  I left the burner on - HIGH - with nothing in the skillet.   I ruined my rather expensive Pampered Chef skillet and toxic burnt teflon fumes now filled my house.  

It took all afternoon with all the windows open and fans on (and it was a chilly day yesterday) and throwing away the pan to get the smell out of my house.   

Anything you've done lately that might kill a parrot?  


29 (Not So Put-Together) Truths

Yesterday at pre-school pick-up I joked about how my baby wasn't wearing any socks.   It was kind of chilly outside and she should have been wearing socks.  The story goes that when I picked up the baby and headed out to the car with her, I noticed, in the car, that she only had 1 sock on.  So instead of taking in a baby with only 1 sock, I took the other one off so it might look like I meant to do that... I know the whole thing sounds ridiculous now but at the time it made sense.

I commented to the mom "I thought that if she didn't have any socks on, as opposed to one, I would look more put-together."  and she said back "Oh, you always look so put-together!" To which I chuckled and stated that I am rarely put-together.

So, whether she was just being kind or appearances are truly that deceiving, I don't know, but I've decided to give 1 truth every day for 29 days (in honor of my 29th birthday at the end of this month). They will let you know just how not put-together I am... even though I might look very put-together (somedays).

So after much contemplation and feeling comforted that if these truths get out CPS will not take my children away since they are, in fact fed, housed, healthy, clothed, and very much so loved - I'm going to be very vulnerable and let you know go ahead and *eek* judge me.

Either by the end of this you will come to realize that we're all a hot mess or you'll just find that I'm a hot mess.  But please, oh, please don't let me be the only one who lives like this!

So here we go...

Truth #1 

I have been sleeping without a pillow case on my pillow for the past 3 nights because my baby peed out of her diaper in her pack 'n play.  My husband stripped her bed but didn't lay anything else down over the mattress (like a blanket, sheet, cover... etc...  okay, another truth, we just lay a crochet blanket over her pack 'n play mattress and it hasn't been washed yet from the pee)...  So, I thought she might want something that smelled familiar to lay on, so I laid my pillow case down on her mattress for her to sleep on...  (for the 3 hrs a night she actually sleeps in her own bed).   

So you see, I'm not so put-together after all....

Stay tuned for tomorrow's Not So Put-Together Truth.

Do you have any Not So Put-Together Truth's you'd like to share to make me feel a tad better?