
Truth #5

Lets just be honest here.  It's kind of difficult to come up with 29 ways you're not put together, specfically, 29 things you're willing to tell the world.  Today I told the laundry thing to a friend at church and I think she tried to commiserate, or maybe her house is just bigger than mine, either way - My laundry situation might be a little out of control.  Okay, so ripping away another layer of vulnerability -

Not So Put Together Truth #5:

Trash.  I am really bad about throwing things away.  Not gross things, paper things.  Like a small scrap of paper that my daughter tore off of another small piece of paper.  I'll throw it at the nearest trash can, but it rarely makes it there - leaving me with small pieces of paper on the floor, that my baby usually finds and tries to eat.  And then there are the countless preschool drawings that my 5 yr old refuses to let me throw away, and well, the trash seems to be everywhere.  When I throw everything away, my house looks pretty clean!

How do you conquer the paper problem?

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