
Truth #3

Not So Put Together Truth #3:

Sometimes I don't keep the commitments I make, or live up to the expectations of the people around me.  I'm pretty sure this happens to everyone.  But case in point, yesterday, Truth #3 just did not appear on my blog!  

Why?  It was grocery day.  Do you have a grocery day?  The day of torture.  The day of disaster.  The day of dread.

That's how I feel about grocery day.

Running to atleast two, sometimes three stores, encountering lots of people, trying to read a list, drive a large cumbersome cart, and find my items all at the same time.  And usually I have two children with me, one screaming, the other wandering... (thankfully not the case yesterday, Granna graciously volunteered to play with the two beauties) but yesterday - the rearranged my entire grocery store.  Suddenly I'm standing where the flour should be and I'm staring at dried cranberries.  I completely walked past the cereal thinking it was snack food.

Anyway, grocery day wears me out.  And I forgot to post.

What's your least favorite household task?

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