
In the end, its all about Love

I don't have time to post today, but this has been on my mind for so long and I know if I wait two weeks to post I'll never remember.  We have Christmas with my husband's mom tonight and then are traveling to visit my family for Christmas Day and an extended visit after.  I won't see my mom again until the baby comes in May, so I want to cherish and soak up every moment!

I saw a friend yesterday and she encouraged me again on what a great mom I am, I said thank you and told her that it's hard being a mom.

And the more I thought about it, the more I realized it played into other realizations I've been making over the past few weeks. 

Being a mom isn't hard because I have a bad kid... no, being a mom is really hard because of other moms! 

Its the advent of social networking, blogging, and parenting websites that make me feel so inadequate as a mother.  It is here that I am reminded of all that I'm not doing, ways I'm parenting wrong, or shown just how inadequate I feel I really am. 

I spent a good hour last night talking to my husband about this... he listened and ended the conversation with "well that was a great conversation, should we pick this up again next week?"  Thank you psychologist Aaron. 

Truly, I just had a girl moment.  A moment in which all the thoughts and pressures and concerns of the all the ideologies and mothering philosophies around me finally piled up and overwhelmed me.  I needed to talk it out. 

So I've been thinking.

Who am I? 

As a person, as a worker, as a servant, as a friend?  And what do I stand for under all of those things? 

Well let me tell you, even though I've been thinking about it I certainly don't have the ability to write it all out right now, things are still flying around my head.  Trust me, there's a lot in there. 

But one important point I have to come in all of this is that it doesn't really matter what other people think. 

If I can't be a fully natural, fully attachment parenting mother; a master gardener; good housekeeping of the year award winner; crafty super mom; homeschooling diva; blogging wonder; or even model wife... 

It's okay.

I wasn't created to do it all.

And that makes being a mom so much easier.  Because now it's me, my daughter, our new baby coming, and making sure they know they're loved, they know truth, and they know God's promises. 

1 Corinthians 13:13 
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

*I am not insinuating that natural, attachment parenting, homeschooling, crafty, super housecleaners, fabulous gardeners... etc are making me feel like a bad mom... 

I am trying to say that measuring up to all that some super moms are in those area and attempting to be awesome at everything is overwhelming to me. 

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