
Step-By-Steppin' It

Last week I had about 1000 things to do and my time was limited, not to mention my strength and emotional capacity.  For the past 4 months I have been tired and tired... sometimes sick, but mostly really tired and I have finally (hallelujah, praise the Lord) entered into the 2nd trimester bliss of energy, feeling good and (thanks to my midwife) no more hip pain!  I was definately ready to conquer. 

I'm one of those people who when they say they just sleep and eat... that's exactly what they mean and my house was proof.  Literally, every few weeks I would catch up on all the bills I hadn't yet paid and wash enough laundry for us to live off the pile on the couch.  My kitchen was a situation of dire concern.  We were literally washing a dish just to use a dish.  It was bad.  B-A-D  I was even going to post pictures of the before and after but then was afraid someone might report me to some bad housekeeping agency, or deem my house unfit for human survival...

However, Monday I woke up with a renewed energy.  My mother-in-laws birthday was Thursday and I knew I wanted my house fully clean for her to come over for cake and her present.  I was meeting with a friend Friday morning and more friends on Friday night.  So I had, essentially, until Thursday afternoon to finish getting my house cleaned.  Super cleaned because it was really bad.  I also have a near 4 yr old (near as in her birthday is this week) which makes full out cleaning a little difficult. 

So I started what I call The Step-By-Step.  It helps people like me who look at a hugely messy house and just friek out and then crawl back under the covers to go to bed.  I started small, with easy things.  A load of laundry, unload the dishwasher, load the dishwasher.  Clean the toilet, oh look I'll clean the sink and mirror too.  And that's how I do it, when I finish one job I look for another to start.  All I do is my one job.


And what happened.  By Monday night, when my husband came home, a significant dent had been placed in our kitchen.  It wasn't finished, not by far, but he could see that I'd worked at it and I was proud of myself! 

Tuesday I did it again.  I just kept plugging away, looking for things to do (and believe me, there were plenty of things to do!).  I tried to stay away from time-wasters, which for me includes facebook, because I get lost in it. 

Wednesday I had groceries to buy and babysat for a friend.

And by Thursday evening my laundry was folded and put away, my dishes were done, my bathroom was clean and although not everything sparkled...  I was proud of myself. 

But what am I more proud of now??

The fact that it is Monday morning and my dishes are staying done!  My laundry is being folded and put away right away and my house still looks decent.  Although, a good dusting is in order and that kitchen floor calls my name. 

I am excited.  Tomorrow night is my daughter's 4th birthday party and I'm not stressed at all!  Friday night we celebrate Christmas with my mother-in-law and I'm looking forward to it!  And Saturday we have a nice break for awhile and I'm entering Christmas the way I like to - looking forward to Christmas! 

That is the Step-by-Step.  One job at a time and before you know it, each job is done. 

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