Before the race began they encouraged us runners to run in celebration of the lives of all those we've lost. So today I ran for my grandma and grandad, Vida and Ed Freeman, and for my five babies in heaven Baby K, Tiny, Iddy Biddy, Cinco, and Woven. I also ran, in celebration of the life of my miracle baby, Am. When she was born I truly had no idea just how precious she really is...the love I have for her now, overwhelms me.
It was a bittersweet race. I've had the desire to train for a race for sometime now, but things always came up that made it impossible... mostly pregnancies. And this spring I began training with the stipulation of "if I don't get pregnant". I didn't get pregnant, and I ran my 5k. So, in triumph - I did it! In sadnesss - we're still trying for another baby.
To tell you just how awesome we did (I say we, becuase one of my best friends also trained and ran with me).... Tuesday we ran my best time ever 35:59 min - and today I ran the 5k in 32:06.0 min. Almost 4 minutes off my best!!! (however I did walk for about 200 feet right after the 2 min mark).... Susan took off just before 2 mi and ran it in 30:??.6 so... she beat me by 1:30 ish and 14 people!!! Go Susan!!
An amazing experience and if I'm not pregnant next year, I'll be doing it again :)
Anyone know how to get this picture to flip??
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