
Language, Comprehension, Interaction

Just a little over a week ago Doron had 5 English words; as of yesterday and today I've counted 15!  He is constantly repeating what we say.  Last night Zemirah came into the kitchen and whined an exasperated "oohhh, Why????"  and instantly in the exact tone and volume Doron repeated her, several times over.  Sometimes I'm not certain he's learning the best of manners but he is certainly learning.

Yesterday we were heading out the door for a family outing and I said "Now, where are your shoes?" and he promptly stood up and pointed at his shoe basket.  I replied "Ah yes, but I was wondering about your sandals." He turned around and pointed across the room to where his sandals lay.  I was shocked!  Not only is he mimicking but he is understanding!

He is also interacting!  So far this week Doron has bitten Zemirah once a day.  Not the best of practices, but we have been told that this is a great sign because it means that he is comfortable with us.  So - Yay!  Zemirah is handling it quite well, while she doesn't enjoy being bitten by her brother she is quick to forgive and accepts his hugs and kisses of apology.  I can tell that he feels bad for hurting her after he bites so that is also a good sign.

Am, Z, and Doron have been playing together really really well.  I am actually quite surprised at how well everything has been going at just 2.5 weeks home.  Aaron is working half days now so my mornings are full.  I appreciate having a seven year old so much though.  She is able to keep an eye on Doron for a few minutes at a time while I throw in a load of laundry or quick start a load of dishes.
Naptime is still a struggle.  Doron is taking 30 min - 1 hr naps, which leave him clinging and tired for the rest of the evening.  However, when he sleeps longer bed time can drag on as late as 10:30pm, which doesn't make anyone happy.  I am thankful that Aaron is still around in the afternoons to help me figure out the napping situation with 2 nappers.  I'm also thankful that Zemirah is still a good napper.

While we were in China Z went from being nearly 100% potty trained to "These pull-ups are the coolest thing ever!" and "Look Mom, I can change my own pull-up!"  I haven't yet decided how to retrain her.  Doron is about as potty trained as Z at this point so I'm considering just working with them both at once but before we go there I'd like to get more settled at home with both of them.

Our homeschool curriculum arrived today!  I was very excited to open up the box but found out I'd made a mistake in my order, so I spent about 2 hours of my afternoon trying to figure out if it was easily fixable.  I can work with the mistake I made.  It's not perfect, but it will be fine.  I believe I am going to set our school start date at August 1 (of course, I see now that that's a Saturday) so August 3.  I usually start mid-July but with all the changes in our lives this year, I want to take an extra two weeks of summer break.  I have been requiring Am to do a little bit of school during nap time, she is not a fan.  Hopefully starting up again and getting back into our routine will make things better.  I'm really looking forward to our new curriculum.  We are doing Sonlight this year and it already looks like a great fit for us.  Am has already read a few of the books in our package.

My thoughts are jumbled today.  I started drinking a second cup of coffee at 4 pm but then worried I wouldn't be able to fall asleep at 10pm.  So I have a half cup of coffee sitting in the kitchen.  I gave Doron a sip thinking he would hate coffee (just like the girls) but I was so wrong.  Now I have a very angry toddler that really wants some coffee.  If it's true that coffee stunts your growth we should keep it far far away from our tiny little dude.

Good night folks, enjoy these amazing summer days.  Hopefully no more rain for awhile and we can head back to the parks soon.  :)


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