There has been so much rolling around in my brain these last few weeks about the future and what it holds for our family.
I have ideas spinning like you would not believe and I am sure it is only a matter of time before they are available for all the world to see!
On the miscarriage front -
We have an appointment this Friday to meet with the Genetic Counselor, a MFM, and a MFM/Geneticist. I am excited and nervous about this appointment. I'm sure there will be more genetic tests for us to undergo and hopefully there will be answers. However, I am trying not to get my hopes up as from what I've read 60% of miscarriages remain unexplained even after genetic testing.
My heart is still healing from Isaiah's loss. Moving on is much harder this time and I've had to be careful to guard my heart against things that might cause me more grief. It is frustrating to feel limited, but I have been instead pouring myself into some ideas I have and looking forward to the vast realm of possibilities that God could have laid out for us.
There is so much inside of me I just might burst! And every day brings us one step closer.
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