Today I had my appointment with the Genetic Counselor and MFM specialist. It was an informative meeting, and although we don't have any solid answers, there are a few more tests that can be done.
We had a pretty thorough work-up done in 2007 which showed I was basically negative for everything. There has been another test developed since then that I will have done, as well as repeating one of the previous tests because the results were "intermediate". Not normal, not high - but intermediate. Sure, we'll repeat it.
If these tests come back normal we will *hopefully* depending on insurance woes - move on to chromosomal testing for a translocation. This would be that either my husband or myself, or both, I guess, could have an issue where all the information is there, but its a little wonky so it might get passed on incorrectly resulting in a lot of early losses.
Right now, there are a lot of unknowns. So, we just take it step by step.
Tomorrow marks 7 years since our very first miscarriage. We lost Baby K, at 7 wks 5 days gestation. It is a hard reminder of July 20 of all that has happened since that day. All that we never imagined would happen, but yet all of the strength we have gained from this. God has carried us through more dark days than I wanted to dream possible on that day in July. I never thought I would survive another miscarriage, let alone 6 more miscarriages. But we did, we survived and our faith has been strengthened because of it.
July is a difficult month. It seems we like to get pregnant in June - resulting in 4 of our losses in July.
This post if for Baby K, Cinco, Woven, & Bunnin - our July babies - I love you.
Tomorrow is Walcott Day, I won't have a post because it is my favorite day of the year. I'll be too busy enjoying small town life and running a 5k I have not properly trained for. But it will be awesome because Walcott Day is always awesome.
I am a little bummed though that I have a shirt with July 20 imprinted on it. I don't like to be reminded of this day, it always makes me take a sharp breath in and sigh.
A lot has happened in 7 years.
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