I saw a friend yesterday and she encouraged me again on what a great mom I am, I said thank you and told her that it's hard being a mom.
And the more I thought about it, the more I realized it played into other realizations I've been making over the past few weeks.
Being a mom isn't hard because I have a bad kid... no, being a mom is really hard because of other moms!
Its the advent of social networking, blogging, and parenting websites that make me feel so inadequate as a mother. It is here that I am reminded of all that I'm not doing, ways I'm parenting wrong, or shown just how inadequate I feel I really am.
I spent a good hour last night talking to my husband about this... he listened and ended the conversation with "well that was a great conversation, should we pick this up again next week?" Thank you psychologist Aaron.
Truly, I just had a girl moment. A moment in which all the thoughts and pressures and concerns of the all the ideologies and mothering philosophies around me finally piled up and overwhelmed me. I needed to talk it out.
So I've been thinking.
Who am I?
As a person, as a worker, as a servant, as a friend? And what do I stand for under all of those things?
Well let me tell you, even though I've been thinking about it I certainly don't have the ability to write it all out right now, things are still flying around my head. Trust me, there's a lot in there.
But one important point I have to come in all of this is that it doesn't really matter what other people think.
If I can't be a fully natural, fully attachment parenting mother; a master gardener; good housekeeping of the year award winner; crafty super mom; homeschooling diva; blogging wonder; or even model wife...
It's okay.
I wasn't created to do it all.
And that makes being a mom so much easier. Because now it's me, my daughter, our new baby coming, and making sure they know they're loved, they know truth, and they know God's promises.
1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
*I am not insinuating that natural, attachment parenting, homeschooling, crafty, super housecleaners, fabulous gardeners... etc are making me feel like a bad mom...
I am trying to say that measuring up to all that some super moms are in those area and attempting to be awesome at everything is overwhelming to me.