
Just one of those days

Today was one of those days.  You know the kind.  The kind that make you wonder what in the world happened to my angel???  Every move we made today was accented by feet-dragging, finger sucking, blanket holding, whining.  Ugh.  It would go from that extreme to the over the top excited, can't-control-myself, I'm-just-gonna-go-crazy, energy.  The kind of day that makes a fairly mellow mom want to pull her hair out.

Swim lessons were a disaster.  I believe her instructor told me today "this was the worst day for her since lessons started."  Great.  I can tell that the next few stores I have to go to are going to be just awesome. 

I would say that naptime was a highlight of today.  I got a lot accomplished...surprisingly.  And then, yes, there's more.  She woke up from her desperately needed nap and she whined and whined and whined some more....  Too bad I still needed to go back into town to go grocery shopping. 

So following our delicious dinner and clean up, we were finally out the door and on our way to the grocery store.  Where my daughter got shut in the egg case counting eggs in a carton...walked infront of other peoples carts...annoyed old men who have very little tolerance for a cute 3 yr old in a pink dress....danced through the aisles knocking things over with her flailing ballet arms...tried to eat the fresh head of broccoli...knocked over a very large stack of icebreaker mints...pulled up her dress and showed all of the customers her unders...and I smashed my finger with a jar of spaghetti sauce.  That was just store #1. 

By the end of store #2 she had started repeating me in saying "I think I'm going to lose my mind!"

And by store #3 I had my mom on the phone asking me if I was crying...no but if I think about it long enough I might start.

Just one of those days.  But at the end of each store and mommy about to lose her mind I picked up my daughter, gave her a big kiss and said "I love you so much and I am so blessed to have you!  I wouldn't trade you for the world!"

Never has a moment come in her life where for a second I could think of not wanting or having this incredible gift.  Sometimes moms, in their frazzledness make the joke about "selling" their kids.  And I know they're just jokes.  But that joke is a bad one.

Never worth saying, never worth repeating. 

The reason I say that is because one of these days - we won't have our kids any more. 

Yes, they'll always be our kids.  But soon enough they graduate high school, and they'll go on to bigger things.  A and I have always prayed that God would use Am in incredible ways.  We know that he may very well take her far away from here into places that are risky and may put her life in danger.  I have no doubt that that is why she is such an adventurous, risk taking, strong-willed child!  Especially since we specifically prayed for such. 

So, at the end of today, when I sat holding my little girl; snuggled up reading Daisy the Doctor and then cradling her like a baby and singing "I am blessed.  Lord I am blessed..... for all the worst and all the best... I am blessed" because today wasn't the best, although not the worst either... 

But I never want to take a single moment - not one broccoli eating, egg counting, ballerina dancing, tantrum throwing, giggling, hold-you-so-tight-you-can't-walk, MOMMMMMMMMYYYYYY moment for granted. 

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