
Keep You Safe

It's a cold and windy night.  Infact, our 5 inches of snow has literally been blown away and we can see the grass right outside our living room window.

I spent tonight filling out our I-800, preparing to send it off tomorrow, despite below freezing temperatures and crazy Iowa wind.  And while I did, I played the CD we have sent over to our son in China.  I Dream of You by JJ Heller.

All of the songs are beautiful, all of them apply to our lives.  But one song, Keep You Safe, rings through me time and time again.  Our little boy has many challenges ahead of him but when I hear this song I feel at peace.  That God is singing this over him, over us.

We are so excited about this journey we are on.  We cannot wait to bring our little boy home.  But we know that there are a lot of things in his life and in our life that are not going to be easy.  We know that where we are headed will have a lot of ups and downs - but singing this song I know its all going to be okay.

Literally, God has ordained every single step, opened every single door, and even provided simple miracles along the way to confirm this path.  Remember how I said earlier I was hoping for our LOA as our Christmas present?  It arrived this afternoon and when I opened it up and read the date of approval it read 12/26/2014.  Just after Christmas.  God has his hand in this and every single detail of our lives.

Keep You Safe

Quiet your heart
It's just a dream
Go back to sleep

I'll be right here
I'll stay awake as long as you need me
To slay all the dragons
And keep out the monsters
I'm watching over you

My love is a light 
Driving away all of your fear
So don't be afraid
Remember I made a promise to keep you safe

You'll have your own battles to fight
When you are older
You'll find yourself frozen inside
But always remember

If you feel alone
Facing the giants 
And you don't know 
What to do

My love is a light 
Driving away all of your fear
So don't be afraid
Remember I made a promise to keep you safe

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