I find myself in a difficult place these days. I don't like asking for help. I don't like depending on people. I want to help. I want to be depended on, but having the humility to ask for help - this is not something that comes naturally to me.
I was on the phone with a friend this morning and talking about a few key moments in our lives when I wish I would have asked for help. And in hindsight, I know it was legitimate, at the time it felt like failing.
When we put on fundraisers, mail out support letters, and just in general ask for financial support of our adoption, I feel like I'm laying it all out there for the world to see.
I feel like the question is raised "Why are you adopting when you can't afford it?"
I think the question is real and for a lot of reasons, needs to be asked.
In the past few months we have been blown away by the generosity of more than a handful of people. Many who have stretched themselves thin for our son. This generosity has done a number on my heart, and my pride, because I ask myself the hard question above.
While friends ask constantly, "How can I help?" I don't know what to say.
How can you help? My head spins. This is a step above laundry, dishes, a meal...
Yet, so many of you have seen the need and stepped up to meet it, and we stand here overwhelmed.
I write this because tonight one fundraiser ended, and another began. It is because of the generosity of friends, and their desperate desire to raise all that we need that these are occuring. And I am so thankful that when they see a need they are so kind as to take the initiative to try and fill it however they can.
I want to be sure though, that all of those who have graciously donated already, whether through Lifesong, Freezer-Full, Bake Sale, Garage Sale, - whatever it is... I want you to know that your gift has not gone unrecognized. Your gift has not been minimized. Your gift is significant.
I am so excited about the puzzle piece fundraiser and the way it provides illustration of just how many people have come together to take part in bringing our son home. But, it doesn't represent all who have worked to bring him home, and because of that we will have another piece of artwork that holds the names of all others who have donated, regardless of amount.
We know that this adventure, from start through to our lifelong journey takes a village. Every piece of our village is important to us.
If you would like to know more about the Puzzle Fundraiser you can find it on here Facebook.
We love you all so very much!
Aaron & Brie
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