

God opens doors, and God closes doors.  Last January we began pursuing adoption for the first time.  We were told not to pursue an adoption to China until later on in the year because of my age.  Last March we found out we were expecting Isaiah, last May we miscarried.  Last November we began pursuing a domestic adoption, a few days later we found out we were pregnant again, a few days later we found out we would miscarry again.  We waited.  We prayed.  We fasted.  We needed to know adoption was really what we were supposed to do.  And then in early March we began the process again, only the agency we had chosen for our domestic adoption had closed its program temporarily.  And so we find ourselves back at the beginning, only a year and 3 months later.  We are currently pursuing an international adoption from China. (Yay!)

I must say though, we are at the very beginning of this process, and so we still have a very long road ahead of us.  I have a new respect for anyone who has ever adopted.  It is not at all like I expected.  In my mind I keep going over stages of adoption and how they are similar to stages of pregnancy or trying to conceive, except they're just a little bit different, but the emotions are similar.  You want to be excited, but you know you have a long way to go and a lot to do and you're afraid something could still go wrong - but you press on, knowing that in the end it will all be worth it when you look into your child's eyes and know that they are yours and you are theirs.

How we got here from October/November, is a long story and hopefully I will sit down and be able to clearly write it out for those who are interested in reading it.  Above is just a tiny nutshell of how we ended up on this journey.  Although difficult, it is truly the journey Aaron and I feel we are supposed to be on, I'm sure that it will be hard - in fact I know it is going to be hard.  But one step at a time, and with lots of patience, we will get there.

There are a lot of details I won't be able to share publicly on this blog or facebook, for that I am sorry.  I know it feels like I leave everything so vague and open-ended.  I still have to read over things again and see what it is I can and cannot share.  

We will be having our 2nd garage sale fundraiser for our adoption on May 3!  I am very excited and hoping that early spring brings a good crowd.  We are not getting more donations for this one, we have a full basement of leftovers from the last garage sale.  However, prices are ALL REASONABLE OFFERS ACCEPTED - so, please come and invite everyone you know!  Since everything has been donated, whatever isn't gone will be donated to area shops, my basement doesn't have space for more things.

Above all, will you please continue to pray that God opens the doors we are to walk through, and closes the ones we are to not.

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