Have you ever read a story and thought to yourself "Wow. That is really powerful! I wish my story was that impressive."
I was just thinking that. I play the comparison game way too often with myself; looking at other people's stories, lives, or opportunities as ways to make myself feel less.
I've realized though, that I'm not the only one. People have compared themselves to me! And I think, uh... I wish I could be flattered, instead I find that you are sorely mistaken!!
I keep having to remind myself that we are all just humans. She's human, I'm human, you're human. And God did not create all humans to have the same stories, they are all different for special reasons and purposes. Sometimes we choose the path our lives take, sometimes we don't - either way my story is not supposed to look like hers, your story is not supposed to look like mine.
If I keep this perspective in mind, it helps me from playing the comparison game. It helps me from getting jealous that her story sounds cooler than mine, or more exciting, or like she is a better multi-tasker, or that she is more capable than me. No, none of those things are true - today she might be cooler than me, but that's because we had a different day. Tomorrow my day might be more exciting, and for goodness sake, next week her balls in the air might come tumbling down while I'm juggling with ease. I might have PMS today, and she might be at her peak hormonal performance.
Lysa Turkhurst says in her book Unglued: "Comparison steals celebration." She goes on to say "We stop celebrating our own good and have a really hard time celebrating others' good."
What a profound statement and truth. How often have I done that? I stop seeing all the good God is doing in and through me and I get angry about all the good God is doing in and through someone else! That is so backward and contrary to what God has called us as believers to do.
Just some conviction for myself tonight as I jealously began to think that someone else's story might be more powerful than mine.
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