Ah yes, I know - a new post, you've missed me I'm sure.
Finish the job... that is my new motto. I'm a horrible finisher. Well, I might be a bad starter too, but I'm really a terrible finisher. Finishing things is something I've never just quite figured out how to do. Usually its because I'm incredibly ambitious - not always a bad thing - but often times an overwhelming thing.
So, I've started "Finish The Job".
It is a new saying around our house - more specifically - around my head. I say it to myself atleast 50 times a day because, like I stated before, finishing things isn't my forte. I tend to get tired, hungry, bored, want to update my facebook status, find pictures to look at, find a good book I've been meaning to read, sit down to feed the baby, remember I forgot to take my vitamins, you know - could be anything. Either way, a job once started is a job probably not finished.
So this is what "Finish The Job" usually looks like:
- Asking my daughter to take her plate to the sink when she's finished eating as opposed to it sitting on the kitchen table until the next meal - or someone gets the initiative to clean off the kitchen table.
- Reminding my husband that although he took the foil out of the toaster oven, and put the toaster oven away - he also needs to throw away the foil... (not just his problem, something I tend to forget to do also.)
And this is what it looked like for me tonight (the italics are me speaking to myself) :
- Load and start the dishwasher, finish the job followed by wiping down the counter tops and noticing that the kitchen still stinks.... finish the job going through the tomatoes and throwing out the rotten and stinky ones (but leaving the good ones in the middle of the kitchen floor) - looking at the nice counter tops and realizing finish the job I should wipe off the stove too - then seeing the microwave finish the job and that it should also be wiped off (take a break to go feed the baby and put her back to bed) finish the job - on the way back to the counter tops seeing the tomatoes on the floor (still) finish the job and grabbing a bag and picking them up and putting them in the fridge. Then back to the microwave... finish the job wiping off the microwave, finding farkle instructions. finish the job On the way to putting away the Farkle instructions finding a bandaid wrapper on the floor, then a piece of paper, a bobby pin, a hair band, a backpack (with shrimp in it ... I know, what??), and a plastic Snow White. oy keep finishing the job Throw away bandaid wrapper, piece of paper; take bobby pin and hair band to bathroom, finish the job put shrimp in fridge; find stethescope and shoes and My Little Pony; put away Snow White, Stethscope, and My Little Pony; finish the job take shoes to shoe bin. On the way to the shoe bin I find... more shoes. finish the job Put away all the shoes ... all while still holding the Farkle instructions.... only to find... another set of Farkle instructions - in Spanish. finish the job So when this rather interesting montage is over - I will head to bed and finally put away both sets of Farkle instructions... because we need those Spanish ones even though we don't speak Spanish.
And there you have it - my mind and how I keep myself finishing jobs around here. And if you ever notice that my house is what most people would call a "disaster" - you now know its because I usually don't finish jobs.
All this paid off though - at the end of the night as Husband was heading to bed he said "Kitchen looks nice, Babe." and I thought to myself - Yes. It. Does.
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