
Parenting isn't always as easy as they make it out to be.

I've been reading parenting books since before my daughter was born.  I'm always looking for something that can give us insight into a baby's, toddler's, and now preschooler's brain.  I love to read stories from parents who have "been there...tried that". 

But one thing that I'm learning from all of this reading is - what looks simple and clear-cut on paper is not simple and clear-cut in real life. 

Even on my best day, in a fabulous mood, its hard to implement the suggestions in this book.  I'm thankful that the way I respond today does not permanently affect her life!  I am thankful that my little girl is growing up understanding that sometimes Mommy has to apologize for her attitude, sometimes Mommy needs to take a time-out. 

The books are usually right, and even their disclaimer that its easier said that done - won't always set you up for just how much easier it is said than done.  Speaking in a soft voice - all the time - doesn't come naturally and may take some practice.  Explaining clearly my expectations (in 3 yr old terms) doesn't come easily when I would think my kid should be able to read and understand my mind...duh.  Immediately following through with consequences for disobedience is very time consuming (and sometimes I just don't feel like I have time for it.)

But I'm thankful for her patience, God's grace, and the knowledge that she is growing in beauty and grace inside and out - even though I haven't reached parenting perfection. 

1 comment:

  1. I am expecting and will most likely start reading some parenting books soon, I look forward to motherhood!

    Thank you.
