
Orphan Sunday

I originally sat down here to update you all on our family.  What has happened in the last 6 weeks, what has changed, what hasn't.  But as I sat down and got lost in the perusing of other blogs, one thing became clear to me.

This journey of life we are all on isn't all about me.  It's about the love of Jesus Christ, the heart he has for hurting people.  There is a desperation within all of us for something more, something deeper than just being.  Why are we here?  What is my purpose?  These questions plague so many and without the hope of Jesus these questions remain unanswered.  We will always feel void, always feel empty.

Lately my heart has been turned most deeply towards foster care.  The foster care system in my city, and all of those around.  I have found myself connected with people in strange ways whose heart has also been turned towards the same call.  I find myself here as a mama (a very tired and busy mama), juggling my three precious babies and aching to know why is it that babies and children cannot have safe and loving homes to grow up in.

Last year my husband and I introduced Orphan Sunday at our church.  With just one week preparation before the day we were able to print our pamphlets of information for ways for people to get involved in their community.  But that first step is always the hardest one.

Here we are, almost October, and Orphan Sunday is coming up on November 8, 2015.  Now, do you have to wait for a special sunday once a year to make a difference for a child in need of a home?

ABSOLUTEY NOT!  Please, please please... do not take this as a cry for one day awareness.  But one focused day of awareness might spark a small change that can turn to a bigger change and a bigger change and a bigger change until there are no more children in need of families.  Until there are no more little ones longing for a safe house to sleep in tonight.

James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after widows and orphans in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."


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