
Mixed Medias and Non-Newtonian Fluids

This was a difficult week.  I find it incredibly frustrating that you can have 5 great days and 1 rough one and it feels like you are ready to throw in the towel and that it takes 3 more days to pull yourself out of the rut.  It is easy to forget all the good when you are knee deep in muck.

I took today as a rejuvenation day.  I didn't worry about the laundry or the dishes, or the miriad of responsibilities I sometimes fail.  Today was about enjoying the day and enjoying my kids.  We started with crafts outside working with different mediums. We made pictures from pencil, marker, beads, and construction paper.  (I don't have pictures because I was making pictures too!  When I am trying to operate a camera I spend too much time trying to capture the perfect picture and not enough time experiencing life with my children.  A picture or two that captures moments similar to these will spark a lifetime of memories.)

After crafting and playing and messes and a lunch only one child enjoyed... The littles were down for naps, the big was settled with a book.  I had about 20 minutes to get half of a project finished and D woke up.  Every once in awhile he'll take a great nap, usually I can bank on 45min-1hr followed by 30-40 minutes of hysterical crying.  I don't know what it is that wakes him up, or what it is that makes him scream for so long but I wish I did.  It is his hard time of day.  After the crying ends there is cuddling, rocking, or strollering for another 30 minutes... and then he is ready for a snack.  By then Z wakes up...  I haven't yet been able to accomplish anything during naptime.  And it has become quite clear that we won't be able to use naptime for school time anymore.  Although I am presuming the we could possibly still do most of our work in the morning and allow naptime for seatwork...

I am being completely honest when I say that I am nervous about home schooling this year.  Kind of like when we first started with Kindergarten and I had a one year old.  I just took the plunge and said if it was terrible I could send her at semester to public school.  We made it through Kindergarten, and thoroughly enjoyed First Grade.  And here we are entering Second, and another new one in the home and the question looms - 'How am I going to do this??'  But, we will jump in with both feet and give it a go.  My guess is, we'll figure this out too.

After all of our littles were awake today we played with cornstarch and water, a non-Newtonian fluid.  Aaron and I were sitting outside with two littles and a big playing with cornstarch and water, throwing it on the concrete and picking it up to see it liquify again...  It was so much fun.  Again, no pictures.  I love participating!  I love getting messy and having a good time!

I think that we'll be okay with homeschooling this year as long as I stop caring about absolutely everything else.  Anyone want to spend their days doing my laundry and dishes?

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