
Lifesong for Orphans Advocate Blogger and Orphan Sunday

If there is one thing that has changed over this past year and going through this incredible journey to bring home our son, is that my heart for the orphan is only growing.

Out there, in this great big world is a little boy, sleeping alone in a crib tonight, in a room full of cribs he sleeps.  Who will rock him to sleep?  Who will soothe his tears?

I think of my little one often when I hear this song by JJ Heller -

This world is unfortunately full of orphans.  Full of little ones, like mine, that are alone tonight.

I'm going to be honest, I'm a terrible blogger.  You already know that.  I can hardly remember to write, but I've made the decision to partner with Lifesong for Orphans to be an advocate blogger.  One more way I can reach more people to bring awareness to orphans,

You'll notice I've added a new button to the side bar -------->

And every so often you'll get a new blog post from me, sending you to Lifesong's page.

Please, get involved - hear the cry of the fatherless.  Not everyone can adopt, but everyone can do something. (quoted from Orphan Justice)

My first Lifesong advocate blogger post is about Orphan Sunday!  Coming up on November 2, check out this post to see 4 way that you can get involved!

4 Way to Engage in Orphan Sunday

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