It was a year ago today that something didn't feel right. More spotting, very little queazies, something felt off. My dr. sent me for a blood test, by 3pm I had the results. I sat down, I hugged my (then) 3 yr old, and I let it all sink in. My levels had dropped to nearly nothing, it could be a few days yet because of the progesterone injections, but the truth was - the baby was gone. again.
It's hard to understand timing, circumstances, loss. Looking back, a year later, with a surprise miracle next to me, not quite 2 months old - it's hard to understand today's significance.
Another loss, but without this loss - I wouldn't have this life... I hate the paradox that these losses put me in. I hate the loss but love the win that wouldn't have happened without them....
It's so hard to balance it all.
So today, while I snuggle and cuddle and kiss my old bundle and my new bundle (the old one is 4 now) I'll remember Bunnin; a part of my body for just a short time, but a part of my heart forever.
I love you, Bunnin. I am blessed beyond measure to be your mom.
It is a tough spot. (((hugs))) Snuggle your bundles like crazy!