Our first adoption fundraiser was last Saturday! We had a garage sale to help raise funds and it was so exciting. My very good friends spent Wednesday and Thursday at my mother-in-laws house tagging/organizing/sorting all in preparation for Friday afternoon and Saturday. And my mother-in-law deserves a medal of honor for watching my kids AND my friends' kids all day Wednesday and Thursday!!
There were so many generous friends who donated so much to this sale! There is no way we would have done so well without all of you! We had a full garage and full driveway with everything from nearly every size of children's clothing, to toys, to maternity clothes, to housewares, to a huge toolbox and fencing!
It was amazing.
Everything did not sell :( but we are going to pack everything back up and try again for the spring city-wide! We might have a baby by then (who knows?) but even if we do, we will still be paying for this adoption, so all the funds will still go towards our adoption fund.